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Mobile Application - CUHK Pain

由香港中文大學 賽馬會痛「正」能量計劃 開發
Jockey Club Confront Pain with Ease Project is funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The project is led by a community based interdisciplinary team with health care professionals, with the vision to empower patients with chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain, and are dedicated to providing Bio-Psycho-Social support and the promotion of pain related services. The project team pioneered the use of digital tools in pain management at community level. “CUHK Pain” – is a mobile application platform providing a one-stop pain management service. It is designed with the mission to enhance the overall ability of chronic MSK patients in managing pain. The app features tailored exercises demonstrated by professionals, as well as VR meditation and pain-related information.
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