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Terms of Application and Exhibition Rules & Regulations


In these conditions, save as the context otherwise requires

  1. “Applicant” –means a party applying to exhibit at the exhibition.
  2. “Booth(s)” –means the licensed space.
  3. “Terms and Regulations” – means these Terms of Application and Exhibition Rules & Regulations as amended from time to time by the organisers.
  4. “Exhibitor/Exhibitors” – means a party applying to exhibit at the exhibition whose application to exhibit at the exhibition has been accepted by the Organiser in the form of a written confirmation (referred to as “Confirmation of Participation”).
  5. “Exhibition” –means the Exhibition to be organised by the organiser as specified in the application form.
  6. “Exhibition Venue” –means whichever venue is indicated in the application form.
  7. “Organiser” – means The Hong Kong Council of Social Service – which as promoter and organiser, is responsible for the control of all aspects of the Exhibition.
  8. “Publicity Material” – means the gifts, catalogues, pamphlets and any publicity material whatsoever which an exhibitor wishes to display, distribute or use at the exhibition.
  9. “Shell Booth(s)” – means the licensed space including all of the fixtures, fittings and furnishings.
  10. “AP/RSE” means a registered architect, a registered structural engineer, or a registered professional surveyor, being an authorized person in the context of the Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123).
  11. “Application Form” means the form whether electronic submitted via Online or submitted in hard copy by which the Exhibitor applies to exhibit at the Exhibition.

Eligibility for and Condition of Participation

  1. The Organiser has absolute discretion in the admission of Applicants. Until an Applicant’s application has been accepted in writing by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to decline any application without further explanation. The Organiser shall not be required to confirm receipt of the completed Exhibition application form. Nor shall confirmation of receipt of the completed Exhibition application form by the Organiser be considered as acceptance of the Applicant as an Exhibitor.
  2. All Exhibitors must be legally registered in Hong Kong or in their country of origin in accordance with applicable laws. The Organiser may require Exhibitors to enclose with their Application Form or otherwise produce at any time a copy of their latest registration certificate or other registration documents, business cards and/or product catalogues and/or other documents/materials as may be required by the Organiser proving that they are carrying on a bona fide identity. Unless otherwise notified by the Organiser, original documents should not be submitted as the Organiser cannot guarantee to return them.
  3. The Exhibitor warrants that the Application Form and all other documents and information submitted to the Organiser in connection with it shall be true, complete, and up-to-date.
  4. Violations of any of the Terms and Regulations herein contained by an Exhibitor shall entitle the Organiser to exclude an Exhibitor from attending an Exhibition and to seek remedies for such damages caused by such violations.
  5. Exhibition space is licensed strictly to the Exhibitors for public educational purpose allocated in a manner satisfactory to the Organiser both during assembly and installation of the Booth as well as at the Exhibition. The Organiser reserves the right to remove any items that the Exhibitors has placed in all or part of the space allocated to the Exhibitors at the Exhibitor’s expense without notice should they not be satisfied with the way space is used and dispose of all items cleared from the Exhibition space with no claim from the Exhibitors in respect of the items disposed of. No Exhibitor shall have any claim for any refund in respect of the space licensed, as provided in these Terms and Regulations or any other monies paid.

Space Allocation

  1. The Organiser has absolute discretion in allotting space for Applicant’s Booth(s) or Shell Booth(s) and the location of such Booth(s) or Shell Booth(s). All decisions to such effect shall be final and no request for change will be entertained. No Exhibitor shall have the right to compensation for damages suffered by reason of change in Booth allocation or of alterations to a Booth after Confirmation of Participation has been issued; provided that an Exhibitor may withdraw its participation should the Organiser offer a Booth area less than fifty (50) percent of the sq metres/sq footage set forth in the Booth confirmation.
  2. The Exhibitors’ license to exhibit at the Exhibition and to use, the space or the Shell Booth(s) licensed to the Exhibitor is personal to the Exhibitor and shall not be transferred, assigned, subcontracted or shared with any third party regardless of the relationship between the third party and the Exhibitor without the written approval of the Organiser who shall be entitled to give or withhold such approval at its sole discretion.

Booth Construction and Shell Booths

  1. The Organiser's requirements and approval procedures in relation to the Booth construction and provision of Shell Booths are detailed in the Exhibitors Manual which will be provided to the Exhibitors and will form part of these General Terms and Conditions.

Use of Site and Safety

  1. Precautionary measures such as fences and guards or other means of protection must be taken by the Exhibitors to protect the public from any moving or working exhibit. Such moving or working exhibit shall only be demonstrated or operated by persons authorised by the Exhibitors and shall not be left running in the absence of such persons. Display of such working or moving exhibit must have the Organiser’s prior approval.
  2. The use of laser products at the Exhibition requires prior approval in writing by the Organiser. Application for approval of such must be submitted to the Organiser no later than two months before the opening of the Exhibition.
  3. All audiovisual equipment must be sited and be of a noise level so as not to cause any inconvenience to other Exhibitors or Visitors. The Organiser reserves the right to appoint one or more exclusive audiovisual equipment supplier/s whereupon the Exhibitors shall be obliged to hire the equipment from such exclusive supplier/s.
  4. The Exhibitors are required to obtain all required permissions and authorisations from the local Government for any musical performance, including the use of music recorded for demonstration and performance and the Exhibitors will submit copies of the permission letters to the Organiser prior to the opening of the Exhibition.

    1. (a) The Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd, 18/F, Universal Trade Centre, 3 Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2846 3268 Fax: (852) 2846 3261);
    2. (b) Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Ltd, Unit A, 18/F, Tower A, Billion Centre, 1 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2861 4318 Fax: (852) 2866 6869);
    3. (c) Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Ltd, 22/F Shanghai Industrial Investment Building, 48 – 62 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2520 7000 Fax: (852) 2882 6897); and
    4. (d) such other relevant bodies which are entitled to grant the relevant permission from time to time.

    All fees and expenses in connection with application of musical performance shall be borne by individual Exhibitor concerned.

  5. The Exhibitors shall be responsible for the acquisition of the appropriate performing and reproduction rights.
  6. Publicity materials may only be distributed from the Exhibitor’s own Booth or Shell Booth. No advertising, demonstration or canvassing for business may be carried out anywhere else within the Exhibition Venue. No exhibit or advertising signs shall be placed outside the confines of the Exhibitor’s Booth or Shell Booths. As such, no price tags indicating various prices of exhibit are allowed on display.
  7. Gas-filled balloons will not be permitted at the Exhibition Venue under any circumstances.
  8. Booths and Shell Booths must be manned by authorised and competent representatives of the Exhibitor at all times during the Exhibition. Such representatives must be fully conversant with the Exhibitor’s products and/or services. The Exhibitors shall procure that the representatives shall comply with these Terms and Regulations and with any and all directions which the Organiser or its agents may give before or during the Exhibition.
  9. During the Exhibition the Shell Booth shall be furnished with the exhibit which has been included in the application form submitted by the Exhibitor and approved by the Organiser and are within the product group specified in the application form; exhibit may not be removed from the Shell Booth or exchanged for other types of exhibit. During the hours of operation, articles accepted for display may not be concealed. The Organiser reserves the right to remove any exhibit of publicity materials at the Exhibitor’s expense which they consider in their absolute discretion to be hazardous, illegal, immoral, objectionable to the Organiser, do not conform to the standard and set-up of the Exhibition or do not fall within the exhibit description of the Exhibition.
  10. The Exhibitor shall not hang on, or otherwise adhere to the fascia boards any stickers, posters, hangers or other materials.
  11. The Exhibitor warrants that the exhibits and packages thereof and the Publicity Material or any other part of the display on the Stand do not violate the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Without limiting the foregoing, display of the following items are strictly prohibited: offensive weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives, radioactive materials, flammable and inflammable substances, obscene articles, poisons and illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia. The Exhibitor agrees to fully indemnify the Organiser and its agents, representatives, contractors and employees against all costs, expenses and damages arising from any breach of this Regulation.
  12. The Exhibitor warrants that the exhibit and packages thereof and the publicity material do not in any way whatsoever violate or infringe any third party’s rights including trade marks, copyrights, designs, names and patents whether registered or otherwise, and agree to fully indemnify and keep fully indemnified the Organiser and its agents and contractors against all costs, expenses (including legal costs) and damages arising from any third party’s claim of infringement by the Exhibitor and/or the Organiser of such third party rights.
  13. If a complainant/an Exhibitor ("complainant") files a complaint with the Organiser in accordance with the Exhibitors' Brief and requests the Organiser to take action against an Exhibitor, the complainant agrees to hold the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees (including but not limited to their legal advisors) harmless and to fully indemnify each and every one of them against any and all liabilities, losses, costs (including but not limited to legal costs), expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by any of them as a result of or however arising from any action that the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors or employees (including but not limited to their legal advisors) may take in reliance of or as result of such complaint filed by the complainant, or any other requests, directions or instructions made or given by the complainant pursuant to such complaint. The complainant further agrees not to take any legal action or make any claim or demand against the Organiser, its agents, representative, contractors or employees (including but not limited to their legal advisors) in relation to such complaint and the alleged infringement of intellectual property rights.
  14. Booth assembling, Shell Booth installation and decoration must be carried out within the time limits specified by the Organiser and must in any case be completed by 24:00 on the day preceding the Exhibition opening. The Organiser reserves the right to assemble, install or decorate any space which is not completed by that time at the Exhibitor’s expense.
  15. Repairs or alterations to the Booth or displays may only be carried out after the Exhibition is closed to the public and with prior agreement of the Organiser.
  16. No Booth or exhibit shall be dismantled or removed before the official closing time of the Exhibition on the last day of the Exhibition unless special permission has been given by the Organiser.
  17. Public auctions shall not be permitted at the Exhibition Venue under any circumstances.
  18. The Organiser will issue a specific number of badges for identification and admission purposes. The Exhibitor shall procure that authorised personnel:

    1. display their badges conspicuously whilst in the Exhibition Venue;
    2. do not pass their badges to other persons;
    3. comply with all obligations expressed to be imposed by these Terms and Regulations on the Exhibitor;
    4. comply with all obligations imposed on them as the condition of approval of their admission to the Exhibition by the Organiser

    Should the Organiser find any unauthorized or inappropriate use of badges by any person, the Organiser shall have the right at its sole and absolute discretion to take any or all of the following actions:

    1. immediately confiscate such badges and refuse entry of the Exhibition Venue to such person(s);
    2. if the Exhibitor then applies for additional badges, charge additional fees for the Organiser to process and issue additional badges for the Exhibitor;
    3. impose penalty on the Exhibitor as the Organiser may consider appropriate in its sole absolute discretion to impose, including but not limited to immediately terminating the Exhibitor’s right to exhibit at the Fair without any compensation to the Exhibitor, or to ban the Exhibitor from exhibiting at the Fair or any other fairs organised by the Organiser in the future; and/or
    4. take any further legal actions against the Exhibitor for the unauthorized use or inappropriate use of the badge.

Sale Activities

  1. Counter sales, i.e., the sale and handing over of goods (as well as the sale of food and refreshments) and orders and commissions acceptance are prohibited at the Exhibition.

Advertising and Publicity

  1. The Organiser shall arrange and be responsible for all publicity arrangements for the Exhibition and no Exhibitor, or its agent, shall give or cause any interview to be given, public announcement, press statement, or any other publicity whatsoever intended to publicise the Exhibition as a whole. An Exhibitor is entitled to publicise their participation in the Exhibition as long as the publicity does not relate to the organisation of the Exhibition as a whole.
  2. Exhibitors and Visitors shall not disclose, appropriate or use and shall prevent its representatives from disclosing, appropriating or using any technical or confidential information regarding the business or affairs of the Organiser of the organisation or Exhibitor at the Exhibition acquired by way of the Exhibitor’s participation at the Exhibition.
  3. The inside area of the Shell Booth may be used by an Exhibitor for advertising or publicity purposes, but only in respect of the exhibit there displayed.
  4. The Organiser may issue directions or rules relating to the design of the areas outside of the Booths taking into account the overall theme of the event. An Exhibitor shall comply with such rules or directions.
  5. No Exhibitor shall carry out publicity measures outside the boundary of their Shell Booth, on or in front of the Exhibition.
  6. The following publicity measures are not permitted even within the Shell Booths:

    • those constituting a breach of legal and administrative regulations or restrictions, particularly those of the fire department.
    • those containing ideological or political subject matter.
    • those disturbing to other Exhibitors, e.g., acoustic or optical irritations (flashing lights, moving screens, loudspeaker announcements, etc).
    • those accumulating dust or litter.
    • those interfering with the flow of visitors, especially causing congestion of the aisles.
    • those including live animals as viewing objects.
    • those constituting third party publicity, as well as any measures indicating names of suppliers, customers and other companies .
    • those promotion events or exhibitions organised by persons other than the Organiser or one of its affiliates.
  7. The use of the logos and the name “The Hong Kong Council of Social Service” “HKCSS” or of the events shall require the written approval of the Organiser.

Move-in and Move-out of Booth Materials and Exhibit

  1. Exhibitors shall move-in to the Exhibition Venue according to the arrangements and within the time limits specified by the Organiser.
  2. The arrangement and payment for transporting goods to and from the Exhibition Venue, receiving, decorating and removing its exhibit are entirely the responsibility of the Exhibitors.
  3. No trolleys/dollies shall be allowed in any carpeted areas of the Exhibition Venue.
  4. All exhibit, Booth materials and the like shall be removed immediately after the closing of the Exhibition according to arrangements and within the time limits specified by the Organiser. Any exhibit or Booth materials left behind at the Exhibition Venue shall be deemed abandoned and shall be disposed of by the Organiser at the expense of the Exhibitor concerned. All proceeds (if any) of such disposal shall be retained by the Organiser and no claim can be made against the Organiser in this regard.
  5. The Organiser reserves the right to appoint one or more exclusive contractor(s) to handle the movement of all goods and exhibit in and out of the Exhibition Venue, whereupon the Exhibitors shall be obliged to hire the services of such exclusive contractor(s) at the sole cost of the Exhibitors.

Exhibitor's Undertakings

  1. The Organiser reserves the right at any time to bar access to or delete the link between the Organiser's Web site and the Exhibitors' Web site at the Organiser's sole and absolute discretion without notice and without giving any reasons therefor.
  2. The Exhibitor irrevocably waives all rights to bring any claim or action against the Organiser for any loss, damage or injury which may arise as a result of the way in which the linked site is depicted or portrayed on or accessible from the Organiser's Web site.
  3. The Organiser shall not be responsible for any illegal or unauthorized use of materials from the Exhibitor's Web site or other infringement conducts of any visitors to the Exhibitor's Web site via the link on the Organiser's Web site.
  4. The Exhibitor undertakes to fully indemnify and at all time to keep indemnified in full the Organiser from and against all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs (including but not limited to legal costs) and expenses whatsoever and wherever arising which the Organiser may suffer or incur by reason of or in relation to or otherwise associated with its hypertext link to the Exhibitor's web site.

Exclusion of Liability

  1. Other than death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Organiser or its employees, none of the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors or employees shall be liable in any way whatsoever in respect of any loss, injury or other damages suffered by or caused to the Exhibitor, its agents, representatives, contractors or employees or the products or other property of the Exhibitor or of such parties or of any other Exhibitors or visitors. For the avoidance of doubt, any death or personal injury caused by or resulting from the acts of God, war, health concerns (such as the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), threats of terrorist attack, riots, demonstrations, civil disturbances, inevitable accident or any other cause not within control of the Organiser shall not be regarded as the negligence of the Organiser or its employees. Any approval granted by the Organiser pursuant to the Conditions shall not constitute any form of endorsement of the subject matter of the approval by the Organiser.
  2. The Organiser shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for the consequences of any introduction or commercial transaction made between the Exhibitor and other parties during or as a result of the Exhibition.
  3. The Exhibitors undertake to indemnify and at all times hereafter to keep indemnified the Organiser, its employees and agents on demand from and against all liability, action, proceedings, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) whatsoever which it may suffer or incur by reason of or in relation to the agreement hereunder or by any breach by the Exhibitor of those conditions or in relation to any claim made by a third party against the Organiser.
  4. An Exhibitor shall be responsible for effecting adequate insurance which shall include (but not be limited to) his or her displays, exhibit and Booths against all loss or damage by theft, fire, public (including occupier’s liability) and any other natural causes, and shall produce such policy of insurance to the Organiser upon request.
  5. An Exhibitor shall take out insurance policies to cover him or her against all potential liabilities imposed on it in these Terms and Regulations as well as possible legal liability for negligence and shall produce such policy of insurance to the Organiser upon request. An Exhibitor is fully liable for any loss or damage caused by an act of omission of the Exhibitor or his or her representative, employees or agents to any property of the Exhibition Venue, other Exhibitor’s or the Organiser and shall produce such policy of insurance to the Organiser upon request.
  6. Exhibitors with custom-built stands accept full responsibility for the safety of its booth and shall fully indemnify and at all times hereafter keep indemnified in full the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees on demand from and against all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs (including but not limited to legal costs) and expenses whatsoever which it may suffer or incur by reason of or in relation to the safety, suitability or fitness for purpose of a custom-built stand and damage caused by a custom-built stand to the Exhibition Venue, the other Exhibitors, visitors, the Organiser or any other third parties.
  7. The Organiser reserves the right to exercise a general lien over any property the Exhibitor has in the Exhibition Venue in respect to all monies due to the Organiser (including claims for damages) in connection with the Exhibition.


  1. The waiver by the Organiser of any of these Terms and Regulations shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of these Terms and Regulations or the particular condition waived and shall not be deemed to act as a waiver in respect of any subsequent breach.

Termination of Right to Exhibit

  1. The Organiser shall have the right to terminate without notice an Exhibitor’s right to exhibit in the Exhibition in any of the following events:

    1. if an Exhibitor or any of its representatives commits a breach of any of these Terms and Regulations; or
    2. if an Exhibitor, being a body corporate, enters into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntarily or compounds with its creditors or has a receiver appointed over all or any part of its assets or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt or if an Exhibitor, being a sole proprietorship or partnership, becomes, or one of its members becomes bankrupt or insolvent or enters into any arrangements with its creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt;
    3. if the Exhibitor conducts any activity which, in the opinion of the Organiser, does not conform to the nature and purpose of the Exhibition, or interferes with the rights of other Exhibitors at the Exhibition (including the Intellectual Property Rights);
    4. if the Exhibitor displays prices or sells goods (which in either case does not conform to the nature and purpose of the Exhibition) to private persons or sells goods for immediate delivery in the Exhibition Venue;
    5. if the Stand is not occupied by the Exhibitor 30 minutes before the opening hour (as published in the Exhibitor's Manual produced by the Organiser) on the first
    6. exhibition day of the Exhibition, the Exhibitor shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Exhibition, and the Organiser shall have the right to use the Stand or area allocated to the Exhibitor for Custom-Built Participation as it deems appropriate. Any Fee paid will be forfeited as if the Exhibitor had cancelled the participation as of such date;
    7. if the Exhibitor is found to be acting in a discriminatory manner against certain visitors at the Exhibitions;
    8. if the Exhibitor is found to have committed any act which, in the opinion of the Organiser, might prejudice or damage the reputation and/or image of Hong Kong, its industries, the fair or the Organiser. Areas of concern include product safety and respect for intellectual property rights (IPR), labour rights, environmental laws etc;
    9. if the Exhibitor is accused or convicted of any criminal offence or otherwise so conducts itself as to bring itself, the Exhibition or the Organiser into disrepute;
    10. if the Exhibitor is in breach of any applicable local laws, rules or regulations;
    11. if the Organiser in its sole and absolute discretion decide that the Exhibitor's right to exhibit shall be terminated;

    If the Organiser in its sole and absolute discretion decides that such right shall be terminated. In the event of a termination of the Exhibitor’s right to exhibit under 63(x). The Exhibitor shall have no other claim against the Organiser for any of his or her loss or damages in connection with any such termination.

Cancellation of Exhibition

  1. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, alter in character, reduce in scale, shorten or extend the duration of the Exhibition at any time without incurring any liability whatsoever to the Exhibitors or Visitors due to circumstances outside the Organiser’s control including but not limited to war, embargo, civil unrest, outbreak of disease, legal proceedings or government regulations that make it impossible or impractical, for the Organiser in their absolute discretion to hold the Exhibition. An Exhibitor shall have no right to claim and shall not claim against the Organiser or their agents or representatives, whether for loss or damage, in respect of any cancellation, reduction, shortening or extension or any other alteration made to the Exhibition made in accordance with this provision.
  2. Furthermore, the Organiser shall be entitled to cancel or postpone the Exhibition, and to alter its duration and hours of operation. No claim by an Exhibitor or Visitor for compensation as the case may be, shall be valid under such circumstances. In the case of postponement or alteration in the duration of the Exhibition, the Terms and Regulations of the Exhibition shall be applicable to the new duration and hours of operation.
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to change the plan, site, character or venue of the Exhibition at any time without giving notice to the Exhibitors or Visitors. The Organiser may allow the Exhibitors to reduce their space rental (in their absolute discretion) but they shall not be liable for any further compensation to the Exhibitors.

Submission of Claims

  1. All claims of the Exhibitors shall be made in writing to the Organiser no later than fourteen (14) days following the last day of the Exhibition. A submission of a claim or any review by the Organiser does not in anyway indicate any responsibility on the part of the Organiser in respect of such claim.

Additional Rules and Regulations

  1. The Organiser reserves the right to interpret, alter and amend any of these Terms and Regulations and to issue additional rules and regulations (including but not limited to the exhibitors’ manual) at any time it considers necessary for the orderly operation of the Exhibition. The amended Terms and Regulations and the additional rules and regulations shall become effective immediately upon posting of the same on our website at Once the amended Terms and Regulations and the additional rules and regulations have been posted on our website at, you will be deemed to have notice of the same and have accepted the amended Terms and Regulations and the additional rules and regulations. All interpretations of these Terms and Regulations and any additional rules and regulations by the Organiser shall be final and binding on the Exhibitor.
  2. The Exhibitor shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Venue which are deemed to be integral parts of and incorporated into these Conditions. In the event of conflict between the provisions of such rules and regulations and these Terms and Regulations, these Terms and Regulations shall prevail. Copies of the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Venue are available from the Organiser on request.

Governing Law

  1. These Terms and Regulations shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the Exhibitor irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

Collection of Personal Information

  1. Personal information will be collected from yourself only if you complete an application form to participate in one of the exhibitions or fairs. The completion of the application form and provision of such information is necessary in order to participate in an exhibition or fair. If all of the information is not provided by yourself then it will be difficult to contact you to confirm the arrangements and it may also mean that your booth is not situated in the correct display area at the exhibition or fair if you do not provide us with sufficient information relating to your products and/or services. The information provided may be used for the purpose of allocating a booth location based upon the categorisation of your goods or services.
  2. Further information will be collected from you through the completion of the Exhibitor Manual. The information provided in this section is provided by Users whose attendance at a particular exhibition or fair has been confirmed. It is necessary for Users to complete the relevant forms and provide detailed information of their requirements such as the request for booth furniture and shipping information for exhibit. If such information is not provided will not be able to assist in the arrangements for the Users booth requirements at the exhibition or fair. Such information is passed to our third party contractors to assist with making the arrangements for the User. It is clearly indicated on the relevant forms what information will be sent to third party contractors.
  3. The company information that Users provide for participation in an exhibition or fair will be published in the fair catalogue which will be distributed at the exhibition or fair. Such company information will also be used for pre-show publicity in order to inform members of the public who will be attending particular exhibitions or fairs.
  4. We will also keep your company information to enable us to contact you in future to advise you of future exhibitions or fairs that you may be interested in attending. If you do not wish to receive such promotional mailings it will clearly be indicated on the material how you should contact us to have your name withdrawn from such promotional mailing lists.

Disclosure of Information

  1. It is not our aim to use or pass on personal data without the data subject’s permission and for purposes other than those stated at the time the data was collected.

    We will keep the personal data we hold confidential but may provide information to:

    1. personnel, agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, financial institutions, and service providers in connection with our operations or services;
    2. our affiliates, business partners and counterparts;
    3. the public, including persons enquiring about exhibitors of our events;
    4. persons under a duty of confidentiality to us;
    5. persons to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Hong Kong; and
    6. actual or proposed transferees or participants of our services.


  1. These Conditions are prepared in both English and Chinese languages. In the event of any discrepancy between the two language versions, the [English] version shall prevail.

GIES Secretariat

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Rm 1206, 12/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

+852 3705 5336 [email protected]

Major Sponsors