Research has shown us the benefits of body weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT) for such Children with Cerebal Palsy . It is, first of all, a safeway to gait train with increased repetition. Then there are the intervention-specific increases in functional mobility, endurance and gait speed. Extending the practice of therapeutic activities beyond the clinical environment and into the home is a greatway to apply these principles andreinforce the gains made in the clinic and school. Webrace paediatric Gait training robot solved the problems of the suspension-type, treadmill-based weight reduction gait training in the following ways: 1. Eliminate the drawbacks of traditional equipment, which are large and locationally fixed, by being significantly smaller and highly mobile; allowing training to be undertaken at home eliminating the common barriers ofscheduling and lack of access to transportation. 2. Whether it is used in a clinical or nonclinical environment, it will also significantly reduce the workload of supporting healthcare personnel, thus lowering the costs of care .