Exhibition Products


Care Food Gourmet Plaza

社聯照護食工作小組 Care Food Working Group, HKCSS
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The pavilion this year is designed with the concept of a Care Food Gourmet Plaza, featuring different themed areas to introduce the public to dysphagia-friendly meals - Care Food. The themed areas include: Care Food Information Station: Learn about swallowing difficulties, Care Food, and the "Care Food Around You " campaign. Product and Service Booths: Various suppliers showcase their Care Food products and services, with opportunities for the public to taste "Care Food samples." Education Hall: Professional and academic groups demonstrate evaluation tools for swallowing difficulties, food texture testing, nutrition, and rehabilitation information. Care Food Kitchen: Experienced chefs demonstrate cooking techniques for care foods onsite. Care Food Seed Restaurant Zone: Features Care Food programs from local restaurants cultivated by the HKCSS Care Food team. Each exhibition area also includes interactive games and small tasks to exchange for freebies, allowing the public to engage with the topics in a fun way.
Exhibitor’s Information:
Enquires: +852 28762498 / [email protected]
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