Exhibition Products

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Chewing through aging – Stay fit with Oroeasy

Oroeasy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise
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As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, including those that affect our oral health and ability to chew. Older adults are more likely to experience chewing problems as a result of atrophy of masticatory muscles, which can lead to malnutrition and other health issues. However, regular exercise and maintenance of these muscles can help to prevent, maintain or improve chewing function. This is where the Oroeasy app comes in. Oroeasy is a mobile application designed to promote orofacial muscle exercises and help users maintain or improve their chewing function. With a variety of exercises and tutorials, Oroeasy makes it easy and fun to exercise facial muscles and maintain oral health. Our project aims to promote the Oroeasy app and raise awareness about the importance of maintaining or improving chewing function as one ages. Through a variety of educational initiatives, we hope to reach a wide audience of older adults and encourage them to try Oroeasy for themselves.
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